Practicing laughter yoga!
“Loved the ‘Relax your Way to Farming Success’ session. These type of sessions are very valuable to us since we don’t have time at home to attend helpful things like this.”
“We use this trip as a vacation to relax and aren’t interested in attending business type meetings. We did really enjoy the stress management session and would attend more sessions like that.”
From Stressed to Best
Help your team go from stressed to best. Decades of research with companies like Shell Oil shows that those who give employees effective stress management techniques reduce absenteeism and turnover, and increase productivity and engagement.
“From Stressed to Best” is based on the research and uses the tools developed by the Canadian Institute of Stress, which identifies five stress types and the two most effective ways to reduce stress for each type.
You will discover your personal Stress Type and the 5 choices you can make every day to work better, live longer, feel stronger and even look younger. Learn and practice ways to instantly reduce stress anywhere, any time.
“Awesome presentation! Yesterday, I went walking after work and I’m going to the gym today! See how you’ve already positively influenced my stress reduction? I have two little boys, a 3 year old and a 4 month old, and since my second was born I haven’t really made the time to exercise or eat right, but I’m getting back in the groove!” — Brandon Yamamoto, Program Analyst

Mindful Multitasking: Timeless Techniques for a Vibrant Mind, Strong Body, Happy Heart, and Light Spirit
Combined with more than 40 years of scientific research are insights from ancient Hawaiian tradition. Interwoven with the presentation are funny personal stories from Makana who, like most audiences, lived a highly stressful life for 20 years before moving to Hawai’i. She motivates people to apply what they learn to their everyday lives.
“Traditionally, Hawaiians make life a delight! You can too. It’s not about adding anything new to your life. It’s about enjoying what you’re already doing – like commuting.” — Makana Risser Chai
Read articles Makana has written on stress reduction. You can order the book direct from her, or on Amazon.
To talk with Makana about a stress reduction workshop for your group, call 808-282-2743 or contact us.