Makana’s book, published by Prentice Hall.
I’m currently experiencing situations that this workshop has better equipped me to handle. Also it has made me realize there are things I need to work on to be an effective leader.
Prevent lawsuits. Avoid bad publicity. Reduce turnover. Keep key employees.
These are some of the benefits of training every manager how to comply with the laws of discrimination, wrongful termination, overtime pay and harassment.
The material was easy to understand. Makana made everything relatable, the time flew by. There are parts that will be incorporated into my job on a daily basis.
More importantly, every manager needs the skills to
- document employee problems
- coach and counsel employees to improve
- write warnings
- complete performance appraisals
- resolve conflict
- interview applicants legally
- make fair promotional decisions
- handle complaints of harassment
In our one-day Managing within the Law program (which is also offered in two, half-day sessions) managers learn all this and more.
Engaging, good real world examples. Good pace, materials. Extremely relevant and will be beneficial to managing our company more effectively for our members and staff. Would be good to repeat maybe every other year.
HIghly interactive, with case studies, video vignettes, skill-building exercises, small group discussions, and lots of time to get their questions answered about how to apply the law to tricky situations. Your organization’s policies and procedures are included in the program so they learn the specifics of your processes.
In a recent program, 65% of managers who took the course said they learned how to write better documentation. They also said they learned:
“Treat others the way they want to be treated rather than the way I would want to be treated.”
“Resolving conflict in the work place through methods taught throughout the course.”
“Better understanding of what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior.”
“Difference between coaching, counseling, and warning.”
“Better process and outcomes for performance reviews.”
Makana wrote the Prentice Hall book, Stay Out of Court! The Manager’s Guide to Preventing Employee Lawsuits. She has taught this program for 20+ years for companies such as Hawai’i Gas, Oracle, and DuPont, and numerous small and medium-sized companies.
Call her to find out more. 808-282-2743 or Makana (at) MakanaChai.com