Do less more often
When was the last time you cherished a moment? Away from work, phone, family, responsibility. Look out the window. Drink in everything you see and hear. See if you can do less more often.
Programs with Head, Heart & Humor
Stress Management: Discover your personal Stress Type and the 5 choices you can make every day to work better, live longer, feel healthier and look younger. Learn and practice a way to instantly reduce stress anywhere, any time.
Surf the Wave of Change: Learn how surfing principles parallel the 6 best practices proven by research to make change successful. Apply those principles to implement a change process for your organization to surf the waves of change.
Forgive for Good: Certified by Dr. Fred Luskin of the Stanford Forgiveness Project, Makana has presented this topic for employees of the County of Hawai‘i, Unity Church of Hawai‘i, and the Hawai‘i Children’s Trust Fund for providers of child abuse prevention services.
When was the last time you cherished a moment? Away from work, phone, family, responsibility. Look out the window. Drink in everything you see and hear. See if you can do less more often.