Surf the Waves of Change
“Makana was awesome!”
Everyone talks about leading change, but not us! Saying you can lead change is like saying you can lead the waves of the ocean. You can’t lead waves, but you can surf.
In our program on organizational change, managers and business owners learn how the principles of surfing parallel the 5 best practices proven by research to make change successful. Apply those principles to implement a change process for your organization to surf the waves of change.
Our program on individual resiliency teaches participants that change, like the waves, never stops. They see how waves and change are neither good nor bad. It’s our perspective that makes a difference. They learn how to respond to change the way surfers respond to waves—with excitement and joy.
“Makana was very engaging and encouraged good discussion.”
To talk with Makana about a change management workshop for your group, call 808-282-2743 or contact us.